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Observations Workshop 2007 Session 2

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Session 2: Enabling capabilities of a shared observational data model

What capabilities can be envisioned for a shared observational data model? For example, with respect to data management issues such as annotation, discovery, transformation, integration, analysis, etc.

  • What generic capabilities are needed across domains and projects?
  • What specialized capabilities are needed for specific domains and projects?
  • What challenges exist for the different capabilities? (e.g., data intensive, compute intensive, metadata intensive, etc)
  • Do existing solutions (implementations) exist either partially or fully? Are they open source, extensible?
  • For your project, what are the driving applications with respect to observational data?
  • How should capabilities of a shared data model be prioritized? Do some depend on others?


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This particular version was published on 02-Jul-2007 12:56:25 PDT by uid=bowers,o=SDSC.