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- The goal of [AKN | http://www.avianknowledge.net] is to educate the public on the dynamics of bird populations, provide an interactive decision-making tools for land managers, make available a data resource for scientific research, and advance new exploratory analysis techniques to study bird populations. The AKN is bringing together observation data on birds. This includes data from bird-monitoring, bird-banding, and broad-scale citizen-based bird-surveillance programs. All of the observation data are unified within a distributed information architecture that is constantly expanding. All data can be made accessible, and are archived in Cornell University's data management infrastructure. Additionally, the AKN has gathered over 1100 environmental, climate, and human demographic variables that are linked to all AKN bird observation locations. |
+ The goal of [AKN | http://www.avianknowledge.net] is to educate the public on the dynamics of bird populations, provide interactive decision-making tools for land managers, make available a data resource for scientific research, and advance new exploratory analysis techniques to study bird populations. To do so, the AKN is bringing together observation data on birds. This includes data from bird-monitoring, bird-banding, and broad-scale citizen-based bird-surveillance programs. All of the observation data are unified within a distributed information architecture that is constantly expanding. All data can be made accessible, and are archived in Cornell University's data management infrastructure. Additionally, the AKN has gathered over 1100 environmental, climate, and human demographic variables that are linked to all AKN bird observation locations. |
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