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- | __7:45am__ | __Coffee, NCEAS common room__ |
- | ''8:00am'' | Participant Introductions \\ Workshop Introductions (Schildhauer and McCartney) |
- | | __[Project| Projects] presentations__ |
- | ''9:00am'' | ALTER-Net (Mirtl) |
- | ''9:20am'' | CUAHSI (Horsburgh) |
- | ''9:40am'' | TDWG OSR (Kelling) |
- | ''10:00am'' | NatureServe ODS (Barker) |
- | __10:20am__ | __Break__ |
- | ''10:40am'' | SWEET (Raskin) |
- | ''11:10am'' | ETHAN (Parr) |
- | ''11:30am'' | TreeBase (Cushing) |
- | ''11:50am'' | OGC O&M (Bermudez) |
- | __12:10pm__ | __Lunch__ |
- | ''1:40pm'' | VSTO (McGuinness) |
- | ''2:00pm'' | OBOE (Madin) |
+ | __7:45__ | __Coffee, NCEAS common room__ |
+ | ''8:00'' | Participant Introductions \\ Workshop Introductions (Schildhauer and McCartney) |
+ | | __ Start of [project| Projects] presentations__ |
+ | ''9:00'' | [LTER-Europe's CEDEX ontology|1_StBarbara_observ_3_handout.pdf] (Mirtl) |
+ | ''9:20'' | [CUAHSI's ODM standard|2_ODM_at_NCEAS_2007.ppt] (Horsburgh) |
+ | ''9:40'' | [TDWG's OSR standard|3_TDWG OSR model new.ppt] (Kelling) |
+ | ''10:00'' | [NatureServe's ODS standard|4_Stein NCEAS Observation.ppt] (Stein) |
+ | __10:20__ | __Break__ |
+ | ''10:40'' | [NASA's SWEET ontology|5_RaskinsweetOBS.ppt] (Raskin) |
+ | ''11:10'' | [Spire's ETHAN ontology|6_nceas_parr.ppt] (Parr) |
+ | ''11:30'' | [CDP's TreeBase standard|7_CushingWorkshop_AF.ppt] (Zeman) |
+ | ''11:50'' | [OGC's O&M framework|8_origCoxO&m.ppt] (Bermudez) |
+ | __12:10__ | __Lunch__ |
+ | ''1:40'' | [VSTO's ontology|9_McGuinnesssPresented.ppt] (McGuinness) |
+ | ''2:00'' | [SEEK's OBOE ontology|10_oboe-workshop-2.ppt] (Madin) |
Lines 21-25 were replaced by lines 21-26 |
- | ''2:20pm'' | Additional questions and discussion |
- | ''2:50pm'' | Overview of workshop agenda (Bowers) |
- | __3:00pm__ | __Break__ |
- | ''3:20pm'' | Session 1: ... |
- | __5:00pm__ | __Finish__ |
+ | ''2:20'' | Additional questions and discussion |
+ | ''2:45'' | Overview of workshop agenda (Bowers) |
+ | __3:00__ | __Break__ |
+ | ''3:20'' | __[Session 1: Observational data "in the wild"|Observations Workshop 2007 Session 1]__ \\ Breakout groups |
+ | ''4:10'' | __[Session 1: Observational data "in the wild"|Observations Workshop 2007 Session 1]__ \\ Group follow-up discussion (Jones) |
+ | __5:00__ | __Finish__ |
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- | ''8:30'' | |
+ | ''8:30'' | __[Session 2: Capabilities enabled by a shared observational data model|Observations Workshop 2007 Session 2]__ \\ Breakout groups |
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- | ''10:40'' | |
+ | ''10:40'' | __[Session 2: Capabilities enabled by a shared observational data model|Observations Workshop 2007 Session 2]__ \\ Group follow-up discussion (Jones) |
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- | ''13:30'' | |
- | __15:00__ | __Break__ |
- | ''15:20'' | |
- | __17:00__ | __Finish__ |
+ | ''1:30'' | __[Session 3: Requirements for a shared observational data model|Observations Workshop 2007 Session 3]__ \\ Breakout groups |
+ | __3:00__ | __Break__ |
+ | ''3:20'' | __[Session 3: Requirements for a shared observational data model|Observations Workshop 2007 Session 3]__ \\ Group follow-up discussion (Jones) |
+ | __5:00__ | __Finish__ |
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- | ''8:30'' | |
+ | ''8:30'' | __[Session 4: Community-driven development and maintenance|Observations Workshop 2007 Session 4]__ \\ Breakout groups \\ __Session 4b: Consolidation of findings__ (Schildhauer) |
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- | ''10:40'' | |
+ | ''10:40'' | __[Session 4: Community-driven development and maintenance|Observations Workshop 2007 Session 4]__ \\ Group follow-up discussion (Jones) \\ __Session 4b: Consolidation of findings__ (Schildhauer) |
Lines 46-49 were replaced by lines 47-51 |
- | ''13:30'' | |
- | __15:00__ | __Break__ |
- | ''15:20'' | |
- | __17:00__ | __Finish__ |
+ | ''1:30'' | __[Session 5: Review workshop results and discuss recommendations|Observations Workshop 2007 Session 5]__ \\ Group discussion (Jones) |
+ | __3:00__ | __Break__ |
+ | ''3:20'' | __[Session 5: Review workshop results and discuss recommendations|Observations Workshop 2007 Session 5]__ \\ Group discussion (Jones; cont.) |
+ | ''4:00'' | Concluding remarks and next steps (Schildhauer) |
+ | __4:30__ | __Finish__ |